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Warum FieldTurf/Bewährte Sicherheit

Bewährte Sicherheit

Verletzungen lassen sich nicht immer verhindern, aber sie lassen sich einschränken

Die Sicherheit Ihrer Sportler war und ist uns stets am wichtigsten. Tag für Tag weiten wir die Grenzen von Forschung und Innovation aus, um die modernsten Kunstrasensysteme in der Branche zu entwickeln. Auch wenn es im Sport nie ganz verletzungsfrei zugehen kann, finden wir stets neue Wege, die Gefahr und Schwere von Verletzungen zu verringern. Unser Fokus auf Sicherheit hat zu zahlreichen verletzungsreduzierenden Innovationen und Verbesserungen geführt. Folglich verfügen wir über die Produkte und Erfahrung, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihren Sportlern das sicherste Spielfeld bereitzustellen, das es gibt. Eine unabhängige mehrjährige Forschung validiert unsere Bemühungen, Ihnen und Ihren Sportlern das sicherste Spielfeld bereitzustellen, das es gibt.



3-jährige Studie

FieldTurf-Systeme führten zu:

  • 13 % weniger Muskelzerrungen / -rissen
  • 11 % weniger Gehirnerschütterungen
  • 31 % weniger Sehnenrisse
  • 24 % weniger Knöchelverstauchungen
  • 21 % weniger schwere Verletzungen
  • 23 % weniger Verletzungen auf Oberflächen, die älter als 4–8 Jahre sind

Football an High Schools

FieldTurf vs. Naturrasen

5-jährige Studie

FieldTurf-Systeme führten zu:

  • 44 % weniger Gehirnerschütterungsverletzungen kombiniert
  • 43 % weniger Kreuzbandverletzungen kombiniert
  • 25 % weniger Ausfallzeit aufgrund langfristiger Verletzungen (22+ Tage)
  • 16 % weniger Ausfallzeit aufgrund kurzfristiger Verletzungen (1-2 Tage)



7-year study

Fields without pads led to:

  • 53% less player-to-turf collision injuries
  • 39% less shoulder girdle trauma
  • 63% less lower leg injuries
  • 73% less neck trauma

See the full study

When are shock pads recommended?
There are some situations where a shock pad is highly recommend. When installing light-weight infill systems, common with alternative / natural infills like cork, coconut and/or olive, there isn’t enough material in the system to provide the necessary shock absorption. To meet the needed industry safety requirements, a shock pad is added under the system to provide the adequate performance.


heavyweight infill VS other infill weight surfaces

7-year study

Systems with >9 lbs per square foot of infill compared to all other infill weight surfaces led to:

  • 19%-29% lower incidence of total injuries
  • 35%-55% lower incidence of Substantial injuries
  • 19%-26% lower incidence of severe injuries
  • 32%-47% lower incidence of player-to-turf injuries
  • 17%-22% lower incidence of Ligament Sprains and Tears
  • 58%-63% lower incidence of injuries on surfaces aged 8+ years, vs systems with 0-5.9 lbs per square foot

See the full study



4-year study

ACL Injury Rate per Team Games Played:

  • .048 FieldTurf
  • .050 Natural Grass
  • .053 Competing Turf Systems

See the full study



7-year study

Achilles Tendon Injuries:

When analyzing the rates of achilles tendon tear while comparing ground surfaces (grass and artificial turf), we revealed no significant difference in tear rates.

See the full study

COLLEGE men's soccer


6-year study

FieldTurf systems led to:

  • 25% Fewer Total Injuries
  • 20% Fewer Severe Injuries
  • 33% Fewer Concussions
  • 15% Fewer Injuries due to player-to-surface collisions

See the full study

COLLEGE women's soccer


5-year study

FieldTurf systems led to:

  • 11% Fewer Total Injuries
  • 33% Fewer Severe Injuries
  • 57% Fewer Injuries on Surfaces 8+ years old
  • 17% Fewer Injuries in Rain-Field Conditions

See the full study

United Soccer League, League 1

Artificial Turf vs Grass

Three Seasons - 2020-2022

Study concluded: Overall, the incidence of injuries per athlete exposure was significantly lower on artificial turf than natural grass. Injuries subdivided into location demonstrate statistically lower rates of head/neck, upper limb, and lower limb injuries on artificial turf. Additionally, with regards to type of injury, the rate of contusions and central/peripheral nervous system injuries were statistically lower on artificial turf.

See the full study

Amateur Soccer

Artificial Turf vs Grass

Skin Abrasions Due to Sliding on Playing Surface

Study concluded: No evidence of more skin related traumatic injuries when a slide was performed on artificial turf compared to natural grass.

See the full study

MLS Fußball

Kunstrasen vs. Naturrasen

4-jährige Studie

Die Schlussfolgerung der Studie: Die Gesamtverletzungsrate auf Kunstrasen war „nicht unterlegen“ – oder äquivalent – verglichen mit der auf Naturrasen.

Lesen Sie die ganze Studie.

College Men's & Women's Soccer

Artificial Turf VS Natural Grass

10-year study

Study concluded: NCAA soccer players who practice on natural grass have increased risk of ACL injury (8.67 times more likely) compared with the risk of those practicing on an artificial surface, regardless of sex or NCAA division of play. No difference in risk of ACL injury between playing surfaces was detected during matches.

See the full study

Effects of Playing Surface on Physical, Physiological and Perceptual Responses

artificial vs grass

Study concluded:

  • An improved physical performance on artificial turf compared to natural grass.
  • Performance tasks incorporating greater reliance on agility and change of direction ability are more likely to be enhanced on artificial turf compared to natural grass.
  • The improved physical performance on artificial turf was accompanied by improved perceptual and some blood biochemistry (Lac, Neu and LYM) responses.

See the full study

Italian Major League - Soccer

Artificial Turf vs Grass

One Season of Division I Play

Study concluded: No difference in injury risk on natural grass and artificial turf in elite professional soccer athletes.

See the full study

Pitch Impact Markers of Fatigue, Recovery and Readiness to Play

artificial vs grass

Study concluded:

  • Players covered significantly more distance per minute on artificial turf (222.59 ± 18.93 meters/min) compared to natural grass (215.89 ± 17.80 meters/min)
  • Countermovement jump (CMJ) parameters and subjective wellness questionnaires (fatigue, sleep quality, muscle soreness, stress, and mood) showed no significant differences based on pitch surface.
  • Artificial turf pitches do not elicit more fatigue, impede recovery, or impact readiness to play, though they may lead to small differences in activity patterns and styles of play.
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