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20 février 2017

Turf Worthy of a South Carolina Top 10 Stadium

When the Charleston (S.C.) Post-Courier named its 10 Best High School Football Stadiums in South Carolina, it was a given that the Gaffney Indians’ home field would be among the best.

“The Reservation,” as it’s called, is now also home to a top tier artificial turf system, thanks to the Cherokee County School District’s decision to choose FieldTurf for the Indian’s new surface.

Gaffney coach Dan Jones told local reporters the decision was straightforward: FieldTurf’s industry-leading Revolution 360 turf system saved money when compared to a natural grass field.

“When you look at the man-hours as far as cutting grass, fertilizer, irrigation and it was having to be sodded every year, it was costing between $40,000 and $50,000 (per year)," Jones told "We were struggling with keeping the field playable. It was decided that everybody seems to be going with (turf), and with the expenses involved it would be a good idea."


Coach Jones is right – the Indians football program can now conduct thousands of hours of practice on their new field without worry of dead grass, wear spots or poor drainage. And, it all comes without the cost of water, man hours, fertilizer and more.

FieldTurf systems are tested and rated on Labosport's Fiber Performance Index (FPI) to ensure that fibers can withstand years of repeated exposure to cleats, pads, rain, snow, heat and UV exposure.

While synthetic turf systems require a higher up-front cost, the year-on-year maintenance expenses are so low that high-school football teams across South Carolina and the rest of the country save significant amounts of money in the long run.


The Gaffney Indians played their 2016 season on Revolution 360, one of the premier systems in the industry. The field is designed to withstand the most rigorous conditions with strength and durability. The Indians now compete on the same surface as the NFL's New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks and Atlanta Falcons (Mercedes-Benz Stadium - 2017).

Revolution 360 was submitted for testing to independent testing facilities such as Labosport and Penn State University’s Center for Sports and Surface Research, and performed incredibly well on all fronts.

To date, the Revolution 360 turf fibers scored higher on Labosport's Fiber Performance Index than any other turf in the history of the industry.

Revolution 360 is also the only turf fiber to have withstood 150,000-cycle Lisport wear test from a third-party institution.


School officials wanted to provide their students with the safest, most sustainable field possible, and FieldTurf’s PureFill Infill system, which is primarily composed of cork, was one of the deciding factors in Gaffney High School’s choice.

The unique infill reduces the field’s temperature on hot days and provides equal cushioning, giving the Indians a cool, industry-leading playing surface to hone their skills.


The Gaffney Indians’ football, lacrosse and soccer teams will train and compete on the school’s new field, as will the football team from nearby Division II Limestone College.

We’re proud to be a part of the Gaffney High School athletics program, almost as proud as the school’s athletic director Mark Huff.

"With all the action we have on our (field) with football, Limestone football, boys and girls soccer and band competitions, it makes sense," Huff told local reporters this past year. "It will have a lot of use. I think it will be pretty and something that the community will be proud of. Our kids are going to like playing on it. It's a win-win."