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Non è un segreto che FieldTurf è stato il pioniere di quella che oggi è comunemente accettata come “erba sintetica”. Abbiamo iniziato inventando il manto in erba sintetica artificiale a pelo lungo con intaso e proseguito con numerose innovazioni che hanno rivoluzionato il settore. FieldTurf ha introdotto prodotti ingegnerizzati su misura per ogni segmento di attività e possiede numerosi brevetti che proteggono l’offerta dell’azienda per applicazioni sportive e non sportive.

Tutti i sistemi FieldTurf sono sottoposti a test rigorosi condotti con le più recenti apparecchiature nel FieldTurf Innovation and Performance Center (FIPC). Situato presso la sede centrale dell’azienda, il centro assicura che tutti i sistemi FieldTurf migliorino gli standard prestazionali nelle rispettive classi.

L’impianto è uno dei laboratori di ricerca più avanzati del settore, se non il più avanzato. FieldTurf è concentrata sulla fornitura di sistemi di erba sicuri, durevoli, capaci di alte prestazioni e con un grande valore aggiunto. Il FIPC contribuisce a garantire il raggiungimento di questi obiettivi.


The Penn State's Sports Surface Research Center (SSRC) is the longest standing University based research center in America and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of agricultural sciences and has developed a strong reputation for their efforts in synthetic turf research.

Since its inauguration the Sports Surface Research Center has conducted groundbreaking research and published over 15 reports, including:

  • Monitoring various surface characteristics of different synthetic turfs over time.
  • Extensive Synthetic Turf Fiber Wear Testing
  • Synthetic Turf Heat Evaluation
  • Temperature Amelioration of Synthetic Turf Surfaces Through Irrigation
  • Survival of Staphylococcus aureus (Staph) on Synthetic Turf
  • Survey of Microbial Populations in Infilled Synthetic Turf Fields
  • Evaluation of the playing surface hardness of an infilled synthetic turf system
  • Published reports on player injuries

The SSRC is an intercollegiate program managed within the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, headed by Andrew McNitt, who is regarded as a pioneer in the world of sports surface research. For years, he has been conducting research relating to athletic field surface characterization and golf green construction and maintenance. He has been honored nationally by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the Musser International Turfgrass Foundation, the Crop Science Society of America, the American Society of Agronomy, and the Sports Turf Managers Association. McNitt also currently serves as the technical advisor to the NFL Groundskeepers Association.

A significant number of professional sports and collegiate groundskeepers are products of Penn State's prestigious turfgrass science department, which is considered one of the nation's finest. In addition to becoming the industry's main authority on sports surface research and safety, the center has elaborate resource in field construction and maintenance, facts and research, equipment and cost analysis, field dimensions and layout.

The website for the center is located Here.

  • Ground-breaking proprietary extrusion technology combining 2 polymers
  • High density core
  • Soft outer layer for skin-friendliness
  • Ridged diamond profile
  • Outstanding resilience, durability and player-friendliness
  • Dtex: 15,600
  • Thickness: 385µ
  • Width: 1.3mm
  • Intact after 500,000 lisport cycles

Watch how we create core in the video below…

FieldTurf's CORE fiber fabrication process
Promax Hydroflex
  • Eco-friendly infill
  • Same virgin polymers as turf fibers
  • Uses recycled end-of-life turf
  • Manufactured in our German factory
  • Non-floating & odorless
  • UV stabilised with manufacturers warranty
  • Fully recyclable
  • REACH compliant
illustration of a woman football/soccer player kicking the ball