Le nostre superfici sintetiche per l’hockey su prato sono un prodotto innovativo che garantisce velocità di gioco e prestazioni al top.
FieldTurf è fornitore preferenziale della Federazione Internazionale di Hockey (FIH), nonché sponsor ufficiale della National Field Hockey Coaches Association (NFHCA).
L’hockey su prato è uno sport veloce che richiede prestazioni superficiali specifiche. Sia che si tratti di una struttura dedicata esclusivamente all’hockey su prato o che ospiti discipline sportive diverse, FieldTurf dispone di una linea di prodotti progettati con cura per tutti i livelli di hockey su prato.
I prodotti FieldTurf per l’hockey su prato sono soggetti a rigorosi protocolli di test e offrono ai giocatori la possibilità di dimostrare le proprie capacità e la propria bravura.
Field Hockey is a fast sport that demands proper sport-specific surface performance. Whether your facility is dedicated solely to field hockey or hosts multiple sports, FieldTurf has a carefully engineered line of products that are ideal for all levels of field hockey.
All of FieldTurf’s field hockey products have been designed following strict testing protocols and offering player-friendly advancements to the game, enabling players to showcase their skills and strengths.
“Vantare la prima installazione di Hockey Gold negli Stati Uniti è sicuramente qualcosa di cui siamo tutti molto orgogliosi. Da quando abbiamo convertito la nostra superficie di gioco, abbiamo assistito a un notevole miglioramento delle prestazioni e della consistenza dei risultati. I giocatori amano il loro nuovo campo, anche perché è ‘più delicato’ per le loro articolazioni. Non potremmo essere più soddisfatti di aver scelto FieldTurf per progettare e costruire la nostra struttura dedicata all’hockey su prato, unica nel suo genere.)
Amy Cohen, Head Field Hockey Coach, West Chester University
Ball State University
- Location: Muncie, IN
- Team: Cardinals
- Surface: FieldTurf Hockey Speed
- Installed in: 2022
- Location: West Chester, PA
- Team: Golden Rams
- Surface: FieldTurf Hockey Gold
- Installed in: 2015
Monmouth University
- Location: West Long Branch, NJ
- Team: Hawks
- Surface: FieldTurf Hockey Gold
- Installed in: 2018
- Location: Towson, MD
- Team: Tigers
- Surface: FieldTurf Hockey Gold
- Installed in: 2018
Watch FieldTurf Field Hockey in action on FieldTurf Academy:
Custom hockey solutions
Our synthetic turf hockey systems offer an innovative design that delivers maximum performance. Hockey is a sport that demands sport-specific surface performance. Whether your facility is dedicated solely to field hockey or hosts multiple sports, FieldTurf has a carefully engineered line of products that are ideal for all levels of hockey.
FieldTurf is an International Hockey Federation (FIH) Preferred Supplier and an Official Sponsor of the National Field Hockey Coaches Association (NFHCA). All of FieldTurf’s hockey products have been designed following strict testing protocols and offering player-friendly advancements to the game, enabling players to showcase their skills and strengths.
The FieldTurf Hockey Gold series is a set of revolutionary synthetic turf systems designed specifically for the highest levels of field hockey play. Our hockey range has been designed and engineered with input from top-level hockey coaches and players to ensure it exceeds performance expectations.

Evolution of the game
From elite level, to school & community multi-sport use, our enhanced product range meets the demands of continued evolution and advances in the game.
The product is engineered using the elliptic fiber – a uniquely engineered filament with the same reliable, built-in durability characteristics that FieldTurf are known for.
Manufactured in-house by our state of the art yarn producer, our unique elliptical fiber is changing the standards for hockey performance.
The elliptic fiber holds its shape In either water-based or sand-dressed surfaces, providing a truly uniform and non-directional surface with exceptional durability.
Leading by example
Take a closer look at some of our top class installations.