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01 luglio 2019

Talking FieldTurf Genius with Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta Public Schools is the first organization in North America to connect their field, Grady Stadium, to FieldTurf Genius. Dubbed the world’s first smart sports field, Genius is designed to help maximize the longevity, playability and safety of a FieldTurf surface. Through advanced computer vision and deep learning algorithms, live field participation is translated into tangible data. When the field reaches certain milestones, a maintenance alert is issued indicating the needed service: brushing, aerating, raking or sweeping. After the maintenance is completed, an updated heatmap allows owners to track the efficiency of the session. A calendar and tracker helps plan and ensure the field receives the proper care based on its true usage. It’s pretty futuristic technology.

We met with Jasper Jewell, Director of Athletics at Atlanta Public Schools to talk about how they’re using the system to Change The Game for their program:

Why did you decide to connect your field to FieldTurf Genius?

Well, first of all, let me say that FieldTurf is a great company that we have been blessed to be a part of as a district for a little over 10 years now. When I was approached with the idea of the Genius, I said, “hey, this is right up my alley, simply because I don’t have the capability as a district to have maintenance personnel on site.”

How do you use the Genius system?

It enables me to keep up with all usage of this field at all times. I can type in at any time to find out who’s been on the field, how long they’ve been on the field, if certain areas of the field have been used more than others, if it’s time for maintenance, anything that I need. It affords me the opportunity because safety is our number one priority here.

What do you like the most about the Genius System?

What I like most about it is the accuracy of the actual product itself. It enables me to tear down to the minute, who’s been on the field, what areas of the field have been used, if there are certain areas that need to be maintained before the next contest or the next big event. What it does ultimately, is going to ensure the life span of this field as well, it’s gonna stretch the life span of the field because now you’re able to accurately measure what areas need maintenance and you are able to get that maintenance done. So, for me it has been phenomenal! I’m able to come in, I’m able to get alerts on my phone, on my tablet, to say, “hey, someone’s been someone on the field for 5 to 6 hours last night and he used the west end of the field more than he used the east.”, so I may be able to either notify those individuals, next time you have to spread it out evenly or I may be able to notify my maintenance people and say, “hey, we need to get this taken care of expeditiously because there have been an overuse of one end of the field.” It makes my life so much easier, because I don’t have a maintenance person that’s assigned to athletics here in Atlanta Public Schools. So, what I have to do is rely on the use of Genius now, which made my life so much easier compared to getting vendors to come out here and check the field periodically.

How often do you use the Genius system?

Well, basically what I do every morning when I come into the office, I will login to my system and I’d just check the usage the night before, just to get an update, and if there’s a need or concerns, then I will call my vendor and say hey, the field have been used here, there, everywhere, we may need to get maintenance on them. If there’s over usage, I’m able to pick up the phone and contact the team that is using, and I’d say, “Hey, we need the spread the usage evenly across the board.”

Would you recommend FieldTurf Genius?

I’d highly recommend FieldTurf Genius, you can’t beat it. The convenience, what it gives you and the amount of accuracy involved, you can’t beat it. It’s gonna definitely change your life and expand the life span of your field and it makes your life as an athletics director, that much easier.

It’s time to connect your field to FieldTurf Genius

Get started HERE

6 reasons why you need FieldTurf Genius

  1. FIELD LONGEVITY: An intelligently maintained surface can significantly contribute to extended product life. Prolonged usage allows for a greater return on investment.
  2. SAFETY & PERFORMANCE: A properly maintained surface allows for more consistent planarity and proper infill levels, which can contribute to improved player safety and performance.
  3. EASY MAINTENANCE: The automated maintenance alerts and live dashboard eliminate forms and human input. The system does the planning and enables you to track and monitor service, all from your desk.
  4. INCREASED REVENUE: The advanced reporting allows you to track usage, optimize field scheduling, increase the possibility of rentals and improves facility management.
  5. LIVE MONITORING: FieldTurf Genius allows you to have eyes on your field at all times. Know when, where, how long and how many athletes are using your field.
  6. ACTIVITY HISTORY: The in-depth usage and maintenance record history simplifies facility activity management and can aid justify & promote initial or future investment.